Year after year during Lent, many Catholics make time on Fridays to participate in the prayer services of the Way of the Cross. The meditation on the suffering of Christ on his way to Calvary and on the Cross means a lot to them. It helps them to accept the trials and difficulties in their own lives by drawing inspiration and strength from our Lord.
This book is intended specifically for these people who come for the services.ย The texts and prayers used are chosen for their relevancy to life. They serve to inform the mind about the experiences of Christ, to moce the heart to desire his attitudes, and to strengthen the will to follow his way.
The format and style are designed for active participation by the congregation. Such involvement would provide the participants with many moments during the service to be touched by the grace of God, moving them to repentance and action.
Praying together as a community, the leader should pause for a while after reading the first part of each station. The congregation should try to respond by praying slowly and in unison. They should pray with their hearts and should not rush through the prayers. Praying in this manner, each set of the Way of the Cross will need at least 30 minutes to go through.
May this prayer book achieve its purpose for those who use it.
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