With Free St. Patrick 3rd class relic.
Patronage of St. Patrick
St. Patrick is the patron saint of engineers, those afraid of snakes/for protection against snake bites, Ireland, and Nigeria. He is the patron saint of engineers because of the many churches he built in Ireland.
I have had the good fortune through my God that I should never abandon his people whom I have acquired in the extremities of the earth. –St. Patrick
This Ultimate Decade Rosary brings together the Co-Patrons of Ireland St Patrick and St Brigid whose love and faith of God brought an entire Kingdom to the faith. They will help you transform your life too! Every time you hold this Rosary it is a silent prayer to them both! This decade rosary comes with the Celtic Cross and a medal of St. Patrick on one side and St. Brigid on the other side.
St. Patrick used the Shamrock, a three-leaved plant, to teach about God the Father, Jesus the Son of God and the Holy Spirit and Christianity spread like wildfire across Ireland. By the time of his death, St. Patrick had created roughly 300 churches in Ireland and converted more than 120,000 people to Christianity. It’s recorded that Patrick resurrected the dead at least 33 times. In one case two daughters of the King of Dublin had died, and the King, who’d heard of Patrick’s miraculous abilities, sent for him. The King promised Patrick that if he could bring the girls back to life he would convert to Christianity. Patrick took the hands of the girls and appealed to God. Suddenly the burial chamber was filled with light and the girls rose from death. The King kept his word and was baptized.
Saint Brigid performed numerous miracles over the course of her long life of service. Once, she was traveling on horseback when her horse became startled. Brigid fell off and hit her head. Blood from the wound mixed with the water on the ground. Brigid knew of two nearby sisters who couldn’t hear or talk and asked them to pour the mixture of blood and water onto their necks while praying for healing. One sister did so and was healed, while the other one was healed simply by touching the bloody water when she bent down to the ground to check on Brigid. According to another story, Brigid healed a man afflicted by leprosy by blessing a glass of water and the man used the blessed water to wash his skin. The man’s skin then completely cleared up.
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