Section I: “Papal Primacy at the Councils and Beyond” examines the teachings of Vatican Councils I and II in the light of contemporary scholarship. It concludes by identifying three areas where further development of those teachings is needed for the realization of ARCIC’s vision. Section II: “Papal Primacy Through the Eyes of ARCIC examines ARCIC’s vision in the light of how it developed through ARCIC’s agreed statements. Among other things, it introduces Anglican attitudes towards papal primacy, in the light of Anglicanism’s own history and tradition Section III: “Anglicans and Catholics in Dialogue on the Papacy” responds to ARCIC’s questions in the light of the areas for further development. The book concludes by arguing that the only way for the Catholic Church to reform and renew the papacy as an instrument for Christian unity is through ecumenical dialogue. This is not merely a practical, but also a theological, necessity.
Anglicans and Catholics in Dialogue on the Papacy: A Gift for All Christians (E1) by Russel T. Murray
$50.00 $18.00
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