First Published over 15 years ago, the Daily Roman Missal is an essential resource for anyone who wants to grow closer to the Eucharist. An ideal traveling companion and a great fit for your glove box, briefcase, backpack, or carry-on, the DRM is a complete source for following the Mass, studying it more closely, and reflecting on its profound beauty and grace. The missal is a book for the home as well as a book for the church . It familiarizes the People of God with Sacred Scripture, explaining it in the context of their public and communal worship of God. This new Seventh Edition includes the responses and liturgical texts from the new English translation of the Third Edition of the Order of Mass; all prayers, antiphons, and other texts for the seasons of the liturgical year; the Proper and Commons of Saints; Masses for the Dead; and many Ritual, Votive, and other Masses. It includes all readings (New American Bible with Revised New Testament) from Sunday and weekday Masses, the Proper and Commons of Saints; and many from the Ritual, Votive, Various Needs, and Masses for the Dead. All this plus over 200 pages of devotions and prayers complete this dignified, one-volume hand missal.
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SKU: 9781936045587
Categories: Divine Office - Missal - Liturgy - Lectionary, Liturgical
Tag: roman missal
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